General Information
The Department of Geography at NMSU offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Geography. Students can choose from two concentrations: Human-Environment Relationships (HER) or Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T). The Department of Geography at NMSU also offers two minors for non-geography majors: a Minor in Geography; and a Minor in Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T). Each of these programs of study is described briefly below.
For additional information on geography undergraduate studies at NMSU, explore our Undergraduate Program links in the navigation menu.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Geography
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Geography may concentrate on either Human-Environment Relationships (HER) or Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T). Both concentrations share certain core courses like Geography of the Natural Environment (GEOG 111G), World Regional Geography (GEOG 112G), Culture and Environment (GEOG 120G), Map Use and Analysis (GEOG 281), Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (GEOG 381), and Aerial Photo Interpretation (GEOG 382). In addition, students in both concentrations take upper-division courses in human geography, physical geography, and regional geography. However, once the core courses are completed, students in the HER concentration focus on the analysis and interpretation of the coupled and complex interactions between people and the environment while students in the GIS&T concentration focus on the acquisition of knowledge and skills in geographic information systems and remote sensing. For example, HER students take courses such as Landscape Ecology and Southwestern Environments while GIS&T students take courses such as GIS Applications and Modeling and Advanced Remote Sensing.
Go to Undergraduate Degree Requirements to learn about specific courses required for each concentration.
Minor in Geography
The Department of Geography offers a Minor in Geography to interested undergraduate students from departments outside of Geography. To complete this minor, students have to earn a grade of C- or better in one introductory physical geography course (Geography of the Natural Environment), one introductory human or regional geography course (Culture and Environment or World Regional Geography), one geography methods course (Map Use and Analysis, Cartography, or Air Photo Interpretation), and three upper-division human and physical geography courses.
Go to Undergraduate Degree Requirements to learn about specific courses required for the Geography minor.
Minor in Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T)
The Department of Geography offers a Minor in Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) to interested undergraduate students from departments outside of Geography. To complete this minor, students have to earn a grade of C- or better in four introductory GIS&T courses (Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, Introduction to Remote Sensing, and Geodatabase Design) and two advanced GIS&T courses (e.g., GIS Applications and Modeling or Advanced Remote Sensing.
Go to Undergraduate Degree Requirements to learn about specific specific courses required for the GIS&T minor.